Healthy Weight Loss

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Health and wealth & herb and exercise

Discover A New Revolutionary Method That Puts Your Weight Loss On Autopilot Quickly And Permanently Without Using Draining Diets Or Difficult Workout Programs ... 100% Guaranteed!

How would you like to put in a small effort today to retrain your body so it will function like the body of a slim person for the rest of your life?

u'll become thin and stay thin!

You'll be able to enjoy eating whatever you want and your body will immediately burn it off, so it won't turn into fat.

Also, your body will get on your excess weight and start melting it down 24 hours a day—without you lifting a little finger. You'll even be burning fat while you sleep!

And no, this is nothing you've ever tried before...

•No diet
•No workout
•No machines
•No pills, suplements or medications
•No surgery
•No self-hypnosis or mind control
•No repeated process once you've retrained your body

Once you've put this little system into action, you'll be as unaware of how effectively your body is functioning as any other slim person in the world.


It Doesn't Require Self Discipline...
The number one reason most people fail to lose weight is because they don't stick to the diet or workout program they set out for themselves.

This new method takes a whole new approach. You'll only have to put in the effort for a few days or weeks till you've retrained your body to function differently. After that you can forget about it.

Your body will automatically take care of the rest.

There Is Nothing To Stick
To And Therefore Nothing To Default On!
If you decide to diet or work out in addition to this program, the effort of those approaches will be multiplied.

A person who would lose 2 pounds/week using special diet will lose 10 pounds using the diet plus my simple method.

That's how powerful this new method really is.

The Secret Of The Slim!
Dear friend,

My name is Christian Goodman and I'm a natural health researcher.

In this article, I'm going to tell you exactly how to use the third element of fat burning to retrain your body to burn fat more effectively and stay slim for the rest of your life.

But first, let me tell you how I discovered the secret of slim.

The secret is so well kept; they don't even know it themselves.

You see, over the years, I’ve been receiving loads of email—to the tune of hundreds in a single day—from satisfied customers who made the choice to try out one of my Health Guides.

The ones that surprised me the most were those in which my clients told me that, aside from finally enjoying lasting freedom from their ailments, they also lost weight as an added bonus.

I remember thinking,

“Wow, That’s Swell. But How
In The World Did That Happen?”
As I received more and more emails from grateful (and now slimmer) clients, I began to notice a pattern.

They had bought my Health Guides that involved special exercises that aided breathing, such as my Headache And Migraine Relief program, my Fibromyalgia Program, and other programs in that category.

Initially, I didn’t see the connection.

How did these specific exercises help my clients lose weight?

I grappled with that mystery for the longest time, looking for the answer in medical journals, health books, and on the Internet.

No luck.
The funny thing is, I found the answer in a beautiful hardwood forest in northern Pennsylvania.

I was pondering the question while camping there one still night.

I was exasperated at how hard it was to keep my campfire alight. The fire burned too slowly, and it produced a lot more smoke than heat. No amount of wood could make it burn any higher.

Then, all of a sudden, a gust of wind blew into the campsite—and the campfire flared up magnificently!

That’s When It Finally Hit Me
I realized that the exercises that helped my clients lose weight did so by bringing more oxygen into the body.

I knew that to burn anything, you need three things: heat, fuel, and oxygen.

Our bodies already have the heat and fuel (some of us have more of the fuel than others, unfortunately), just like my fire had enough heat and fuel.

I theorized that bringing more oxygen into the system—like the breeze had brought more oxygen into the campfire—would let the body burn fat more quickly and effectively.

So I set out to work. I gathered all the exercises I had in my programs that aided breathing and asked some individuals to test them. Many started losing weight steadily.

As the days went by, they gave feedback as to how they did certain exercises differently, making them even more effective.

I wrote down every bit of wisdom that came from these great people. Little by little, their feedback shaped my new Weight Loss Breeze Program into what you’ll be seeing very, very soon.

I Can’t Begin To Tell You
How Effective These Exercises
Turned Out To Be.
Seemingly simple exercises—most lasting no more than a few minutes each day—not only helped my clients lose weight rapidly, they also opened the doors to the following benefits:

•More efficient breathing
•Reduced stress (which, in turn, reduces obesity, hypertension, headaches…)
•A cleaner body that burns fat even while you sleep
What’s more, the exercises in my new Weight Loss Breeze Program will fit easily into whatever diet or exercise regimen you might be on right now.

In fact, these incredibly simple exercises will make your body run as efficiently as it possibly can, multiplying the results of your other weight-loss efforts ...

Without The Stress
Of Any Additional Workout!
You won’t even break a sweat

The exercises are so easy and simple that you can do them anytime during the day. You don’t need to go to a gym or schedule a specific time into your daily schedule for them.

You can do them while driving to work, during your coffee break, or while watching TV.

But that’s not the best part...

The exercises are designed to release the muscles that control the breathing process, allowing you to breathe more efficiently round-the-clock, in turn letting you lose weight 24/7.

And the results are permanent—you’ll still be shedding those excess pounds long after you stop doing these exercises!

How My New Weight
Loss Program Works
Like I said before, to burn fat, we need three things: fuel (body fat), heat (body heat), and oxygen.

The oxygen we breathe in metabolizes with body fat to form adenosine triphosphate (ATP), our primary source of energy.

Basically, the more oxygen we take in, the more fat we burn.

Virtually all weight loss programs out there focus on reducing body fat by dieting or sticking to low-fat meal plans, or increasing body heat by working out.

There aren’t any programs that advocate weight loss through increased oxygen intake.

This Is Totally Unique!
The solution to our weight-loss woes is literally right under our noses. It’s a scientific fact that only 10% of our energy actually comes from food and water—the remaining 90% comes from oxygen.

What’s more, our bodies get rid of 80% of the toxic materials in the cells through breathing.

We thoroughly clean our bodies by breathing more efficiently and taking in more oxygen, allowing us to lose weight more easily.

A revolutionary discovery, my new Weight Loss Breeze Program elevates the role of oxygen intake in weight loss to a whole new level.

It lets overweight individuals shed as many as 40 pounds in a week, all without the stress of dieting or working out. Instead, it involves exercises that:

1.Open up the breathing passages
2.Free the lungs to take in more oxygen
3.Spread oxygen more efficiently to the different parts of the body
4.Relieve stress
5.Cleanse your system thoroughly, allowing your body to burn fat even while resting.
This Is As Easy As A Breeze!
My new Weight Loss Breeze Program is incredibly efficient, yet so simple that it won’t get in the way of your other daily activities. You can eat whatever you want and go to the gym only when you feel like it.

If you’re already enjoying a good diet and exercise regimen, then it’s even better—the new Weight Loss Breeze Program will fit right in.

Enjoy a healthier lifestyle and watch as this program multiplies the results of your current weight-loss regime. No sweat at all.

I’ve declared, time and again, that my new Weight Loss Breeze Program will let you ...

•Multiply the weight-loss results of your existing diet and regimen

•Cleanse your system thoroughly and help you lose weight even while you sleep

•Eliminate stress, and in turn reduce obesity, headaches, hypertension, and a host of other burdensome ailments

•Exercise your lungs and improve your breathing, leaving you dozens of pounds lighter and brimming with energy
What’s more, the exercises allow you to lose weight even while in transit, during coffee breaks, or during leisure time.

Best Of All, The Results Are Permanent.
I'm sure you've never heard about permanent results when it comes to losing weight. But in this case it's reality.

The exercises focuse on releasing the muscles that control the breathing process, so you’ll basically be breathing more efficiently for the rest of your life.

You’ll even be losing all that extra weight long after you’ve stopped doing the exercises. Your body will have been retrained to breathe effectively and oxygenate every cell in the body for the most effective burning process, so you can just lie back and enjoy the show.

I'm so thoroughly convinced that my new weight loss method will work for you that I'm giving it to you risk-free...

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How Many Times Have You Fallen Off a New Diet?

If you are like most people, the answer is probably "EVERY TIME I'VE STARTED ONE!!" Think about it: you probably would not be reading this if you were consistently following a healthy eating and exercise plan.

You probably have access to plans you know would work. It might be a low calorie diet like Weight Watchers, a low glycemic index diet like the Zone or South Beach, a low fat plan like the Ornish Diet or a plan your health professional has given you.

You know if you just started the plan and added in regular exercise, you would shed the weight and your level of HEALTH AND WELL-BEING WOULD SKYROCKET — not to mention your pleasure in your new appearance!

If you lose just 10% of your body weight, studies have shown you can expect:

Increased energy

Lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar

Less aches and pains from the reduced impact on your muscles and joints

Improved mobility and breathing

Better quality sleep

Lowered risk of Type 2 diabetes

Less risk of coronary artery disease (plaque buildup in the heart)

Prevention of angina, the chest pain caused by decreased blood flow to the heart muscle

Decreased risk of sudden death from heart disease or stroke
Suddenly work becomes more manageable, recreation activities are more enjoyable, physical activity is more do-able and comfortable, and it's easier to have a positive mental outlook.

The Secret Ingredient is in Developing Outer Imagination Skills to Visualize Permanent Weight Loss and "3-Session Fat Killer Series" Hypnosis Program Will Do This For You!
AND this means: you have to train your mind to ENJOY sticking to your plan. Whatever healthy plan you choose, in order to be successful, you will need to:

Visualize Eating fewer high-sugar or high-fat foods

Imagine Reducing your overall caloric intake

See yourself Drinking more water, instead of sodas and other high-sugar beverages

Create Beliefs that consistent exercise is do-able and achievable

Experience positive thoughts about eating more green vegetables

Engage in healthy meal planning

Appreciate yourself and your progress
Now imagine if there was a proven, well-documented and researched method, approved by the American Medical Association since the early 1950's, that would actually make you WANT to do these things?

Imagine these behaviors becoming automatic, rather than a multitude of challenging efforts.

Medical Hypnosis for Weight Loss
Holds The Answer You Have Been Seeking:

You might have the notion that hypnosis is the stuff of gimicky entertainment stage shows, or have seen infomercials in which a hypnotist is demonstrating his or her voodoo powers over the (well-paid) audience!


Hypnosis, when practiced by a certified practitioner, is approved for clinical use by both the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association.

Most importantly, clinical studies showing how hypnosis helps with weight loss are irrefutable:

In a 9-week study of two weight management groups (one using hypnosis and the other not using hypnosis), the hypnosis group continued to get results in the two-year follow-up, while the non-hypnosis group showed no further results (Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1985).

In a study of 60 women separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups, the groups using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the non-hypnosis group lost an average of only .5 pounds (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986).

In a meta-analysis, comparing the results of adding hypnosis to weight loss treatment across multiple studies showed that adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment, and even more

importantly increased the effectiveness of POST TREATMENT by more than 146%. This illustrates that hypnosis works even better over time (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996).

The bottom line here is that when hypnosis sessions are added to various weight loss programs, the results are always better — more than 146% better over the long term!

Karene France, Mht, Cht - Credentials
Author and Creator of "Hypnosis For Weight Loss - 3 Session Fat Killer Series" and "Killer Fat Busting 12-Week Super-Hypnosis Weight Loss Program"

Karene France is a Master certified clinical hypnotherapist, formerly with a private practice in Palo Alto, CA. Her consultation practice has since migrated online and she assists clients with achieving a positive and lasting transformation in their lives and overall health and well-being.

Through the use of hypnotherapy and guided imagery techniques, Karene enables her clients to achieve success in a variety of areas: weight loss, smoking cessation, confidence/esteem building, and enhanced creativity. She is also trained and certified to use hypnosis as a tool for helping those seeking to improve their academic, work and athletic performance.

Karene's education, training and experience include Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy (TM), and EFT. In each of these, she is trained at the Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainer level. Karene is a graduate of the Palo Alto School of Hypnotherapy and a member of the American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists.

Long Term Results in 20 Minutes a Day
In this program you will go through three short hypnosis sessions that last around 20 minutes each. You will only listen to one session a day, so this time commitment is realistic and attainable.

Most people are successful by listening to one session repeatedly for about a week, then moving on to the next, and so on.

The sessions are light, fun, and most importantly EFFECTIVE. They are even more effective over time, so eventually you will rarely need to use them.

Isn't your health and well-being worth 20 minutes a day?

Claim Your 3 Weight Loss Hypnosis Sessions NOW to Lose Weight FAST
Program Details:

"Hypnosis For Weight Loss - 3 Session Fat-Killer Series" Will JUMPSTART Your Weight Loss Faster Than Ever - RESULTS in As Little as 48 Hours!

This Audio Course Includes 3 AMAZING Hypnosis Sessions Designed to Help You DROP the First 20 Pounds Easily and Effortlessly - ZERO Negative Side Effects

Included Audio Course Titles - Instantly Available to You Upon Purchase

- Introduction and Instructions For Fast Results

- Session 1: “The More Relaxed I Feel, The More Easily Fat Melts Away”

- Session 2: " Bye Bye FAT – Bye Bye to the First 10 Pounds”

- Session 3: " Kicking Fat to The Curb - The NEXT 10 Pounds Fall Away Fast"

"PLUS The Following 2 Bonuses!"

INCLUDED Bonus #1 - 14-Day FREE Trial to The "Killer Fat Busting 12-Week Super-Hypnosis Weight Loss Program"

Here's what will happen: I will send you 1 audio hypnosis session (delivered weekly via e-mail) for the first 14 days giving you Killer Fat Busting suggestions which your sub-conscious can easily absorb and create Amazing Results (that's 2 audios for you to check out for FREE!).

So, to make this a no brainer, the price of your audio hypnosis sessions will be just... a month which we'll charge after your 14-day trial is complete. This is less than .... per day! (that's less than the price of a cup of coffee a day!) can easily cancel if you don't want to continue the entire 12-week program by calling 951-296-8248 or sending an e-mail to

No questions, no hassles, no hard feelings. You must be completely satisfied. If not, I WANT you to cancel your membership!

INCLUDED Bonus #2 - FREE Hypnosis Tips & Bonus Downloads Added Frequently to Members Area Claim Your 3 Weight Loss Hypnosis Sessions
Available For Instant Download.

Have you often felt short-changed because of your weight or physical appearance?

Have you often envied fit, attractive people and the way they seem to easily attract attention, have loads of fun in what they do and attract the opposite sex like crazy?

Now i'm not talking about just men and women who jumped out of the set of Beverly Hills 90210 or the O.C. because there aren't many people in this world who can achieve the status of the looks and likes of Angelina Jolie or Tom Cruise.

But I'm talking about people with normal or average facial features but toned, well built bodies in general who seem to be having the time of their life and who just make your life seem like a sad story.

Well, at first I just thought: Nah, it's immature to think that way. Anyway, what is wrong with being fat? People should be attractive based on their talents, personalities and character and I was quite certain the majority would agree.

But harsh reality always strikes us, fat people real bad.

Did you know most companies actually refuse to hire fat people? The reason being, top managements usually think that fat people are slow, lazy and do nothing but eat and skive all day!

I had a real bad shock when I found that out!

Then there's the depressing part of reading constant medical reports splashed across the newspapers on the health risks of being overweight.

According to the World Health Organization, there are:

•More than 1 billion overweight adults, at least 300 million of them obese.

•Being overweight and obese poses a major risk for chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer.

Depressing isn't it? As though you have been given a death penalty for being fat (and even before you actually decide to do something about it). But its true.

That was when I realised, I had to make a choice. That was to get trim and fit and to lose all the weight fast!

So i started looking at all sorts of diets and methods to lose weight. There was Atkins, this quick diet, that quick diet...

It seemed easy to start a crash diet and lose some weight. Only to rebound back on the weighing scales immediately after the diet stops.

I knew the crash dieting was not the right way to do it. So I sat down and researched deeper into how proper quick weight loss should be done.

It took me quite a while to understand the importance of doing exercise and knowing the components of a proper healthy diet and how they can combine to form a life-changing regime.

I tweaked and refined this weight loss plan that I had created until it was the perfect weight loss plan that allowed me to lose weight fast and effectively.

This perfect weight loss plan had worked. Ever since I had lost all that weight, I feel healthier, lighter and happier because there are certainly a lot more perks being average-sized than plus-sized.

And I can safely tell you this - you don't have to spend tons of cash on surgery or hire an expensive personal trainer to whip you up in shape. All you have to do is to get on the life-changing regime that will transform you literally from inside out.

That is the reason why I am introducing...


Your Easy Step By Step Guide To Losing All That Stubborn Fat And Make You Looking Healthy, Sharp & Sexy Again!

Junk the lemon juice diets, the thought of going for liposuction, eating only 1 meal all day long and all that crap. I have worked out a healthier, tried and tested method of losing weight which won't cost you a bomb and yet helps you nuke away all that excess fat rapidly!

Just a number of things you will discover in our guidebook which could change your waistline for the better :
The main culprits of immense weight gain and why some people gain weight unknowingly.

Five factors of modern living which could be the ones placing your spare tire above your waist!

Why a Body Mass Index of over 30 spells big, big trouble for you.

The two leading causes of death in the U.S and how they're related to obesity!

Eight other killer diseases that could plague you if you don't drop that extra mass now!

When to and when not to use mind games in the battle to win your ex back

The most important step to get started in planning your weight loss – Miss this and you could be back to gorging on chocolate chip cookies and chips!

Four points to always remember when you set your weight loss goals so you won't push yourself to the limit and develop further problems!

Three elements of weight loss that go together and how you can leverage on them to make sure the fat doesn't return!

The truths and myths about fast weight loss and how one simple act does help you to shed those kilos faster than usual...

A proven, tried and tested plan for keeping track of your calorie intake everyday – You won't have to starve, you can enjoy your food and still lose weight!

How your metabolism system works and the most effective way to make it burn all those calories for you!
The importance of drinking fresh water and how much you should ideally gulp down.

Power herbs: Do they really work.

Lose Up To 25 Lbs

In 30 Days

Foolproof diet plan won't fail.

We cater to the impatient!

Dear Friend,

Check all of the following that applies to you:

"I need to lose at least 10 lbs"

"My looks mean a lot to me"

"My health means a lot to me"

"I want to lose weight by a certain date"

"I need to see the results quick, or I lose interest"

"I don't have the patience to plan meals or count calories"

"I've tried losing weight in the past, but failed"

At last! There is a perfect weight loss plan for people like you

Proven Weight Loss Plan

To Shed Pounds Quickly

That Always Works

If there was a foolproof weight loss plan that allowed you to lose 20 pounds a month without any drugs, would you be willing to give it a try?

You will invest 30 days, and will come out anywhere from 10 to 50 lbs lighter.

The amount of weight you'll lose depends on how much you weigh right now. The more you weigh, the faster the weight comes off. A person who is extremely obese can drop up to 50 pounds in 30 days on this plan. Someone who is just a little overweight might lose 10 lbs. Moderately overweight people can easily lose 20 lbs.How much weight will you lose? You owe it to yourself to find out.

No Guessing, No Thinking

Just Quick Results

"The Foolproof 30-Day Diet" is a clear-cut road map for losing fat.

You will simply follow pre-designed menus for each day - no meal planning or calorie counting required.

You will eat 3 meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. No starving and skipping meals, no meal replacements.

Absolutely no diet pills - they don't really work and can be very dangerous. An all-natural plan like this one is a much better approach for your health.

Eat regular food - none of those yucky diet shakes, pills, powders or meal replacements - just normal food for all your meals

Here's A Sample Day's Menu:

BREAKFAST: Cereal With Milk

LUNCH: Turkey Sandwich

DINNER: Chicken Breast, Potato and Veggies

See - the foods are normal, so this diet is really easy to stick to. Foolproof 30 Day Diet Plan is specifically designed to be easy to follow. And the 30 day plan includes a variety of foods!

Don't like a certain menu? NO PROBLEM! You can just substitute it with another menu from the plan that you do like!

Stop worrying about "What's For Dinner" - the plan tells you exactly what to eat

You don't even have to figure out a shopping list - it is already there. You just go to the grocery store once a week and check off the items.

No expensive or exotic ingredients - just normal common foods found in regular grocery stores

Easy simple recipes that are foolproof. You don't need to be an experienced cook - anyone can make these recipes.

Recipes are quick to make - perfect for busy people

Weekday lunches are sandwiches - really convenient to take to work or school!

You will not have to cook dinner every day - this is the only weight loss plan that accounts for leftovers.

If you are a picky eater, you don't have to eat the foods you don't like - you can easily substitute the meals. For example, if the dinner recipe from day 5 does not sound appealing to you, you can just substitute it with the dinner recipe from a different day of the plan.

You will not have to read through any fancy long-winded theories - the plan just tells you exactly what to do, no filler or fluff. You follow the meal plan and lose weight - period!

Here's What Others Had To Say About The Foolproof 30 Day Diet Plan:

"I purchased your Foolproof 30 Day Diet Plan one month ago and am thrilled with the new "me". And the complements I'm getting don't hurt either. My wife is enjoying hugging me in bed and tells me this was the man she married 36 years ago.

I went from 188 pounds, to 175 pounds in the first two weeks and have

continued on down to a trim 168 pounds.

I had been stuck between 185 and 190 pounds for a long time and wanted to lose the flab around my middle. I haven't looked so good in 20 years. I've enjoyed wearing clothes I thought I was going to have to give away - and treated myself to new clothes that look great. It's nice not having that pot belly out in front anymore.

What I really liked about your 30 day plan was how easy it was to prepare the meals for myself. Your shopping lists were great! My wife is still working so with most meals on my own, I had fallen into a stale, repetitive pattern of eating, with frequent fast-food meals and restaurant dinners with my wife, but your meals were so effective at melting off that fat and so enjoyable that I actually saved a lot of money by making these simple meals for myself rather than wasting my money on fast-food.

 I'm hoping my wife will join me as I continue to keep my weight at a healthy level. She enjoyed trying some of the tasty meals for dinner with me instead of suggesting we eat out.

Not only do I look so much better, I feel better too, with lots more energy and no cravings for junk food.

You are welcome to use this testimonial on your website.

Cheers! from one happy guy,

Bob Rankin

North Vancouver, BC, Canada .....

"Hi, my name is Ella and I want to tell you how much your diet has helped me.

I started about 3 1/2 weeks ago (I have a couple of more days to go). I got my mom to do it with me as well.

As of today, I have lost a total of 19 pounds, and it is still coming off. My mom lost 13 lbs. My goal is to lose 40, so I will do the diet for one more month.

Thank you so much for coming up with this simple plan.
I didn't starve myself, and it didn't leave me hungry either. The first couple of days were a bit hard, but then I got used to it and the pounds just started coming off.

I have noticed a big difference in my clothes and now I am a size smaller. I am tall, so I went from a size 16 to a comfortable size 14 (almost 12).

I recommended this diet to everybody I know. I have spent so much money on different diet programs, like Weight Watchers, Atkins, Southbeach, and then I started buying pills like Xenadrine and Zantrax! None of those have provided me with these kind of results.

Well... once again... thank you! I wish you the best of luck and success!"

Ella from San Francisco, CA...

Health and wealth & herb and exercise

For many people who are overweight, starting an exercise program can be quiet challenging or very difficult, what you need to understand is that you don’t have to go out immediately and start running long distance, in fact to do so if you are really overweight Could be harmful to your health.

In the beginning of an exercise program it’s better to start by going for a walk and don’t be too concerned if initially they are short walks and slow ones at that.

You know what they say, you can expect to run before you walk, you will find that once you start taking the steps towards your goal it will become a lot easier.

Even if you don’t like exercise you need to be aware that exercise is the best and fastest way to lose a few pounds and prove your health and also speed up your metabolism to help you reach your goal a lot faster than you imagine.

I guarantee you, The more exercise you do the more energetic you will become, this in turn make your daily activities a lot easier to accomplish.

Exercise also helps to flush out toxins in your body and improve your digestive system with increase blood flow throughout the body so even small level of exercise are going to be very beneficial to some degree. Any exercise that involve the use of resistance such as weightlifting will boost your ability to lose weight , considerably as muscles burns fat any muscle that you can built will help lower your fat levels.

These resistance training type exercises also help to increase the strength of your born which is very important for you as you get older.

Due to my search, it is good to have some daily physical activities in worst case scenario you should assign time for a 30 minutes of simple exercises or walks at least three times a week.

If you physically unable to exercise the way you would like to or used to, don’t let that batter you, as you will build up to it before you realize it and most people end up enjoying it and make it part of their daily

Routine or part of their lifestyle.
sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 3076-9


• Boosts energy.

• Increases or enhances fat burning.

• Helps prevent calories from starchy foods from reaching the bloodstream.

• Helps build lean muscle mass.

• Helps prevent the digestion of some dietary fat and cholesterol.

MetaboStart Plus [Weight Loss] was formulated to boost metabolism, reduce fat stores and help feed lean muscle, an important part of weight management. Each box contains 14 days’ worth of supplements designed to increase fat burning, decrease fat deposits, boost metabolism and energy, help prevent calories from starchy foods from reaching the bloodstream, help build lean muscle mass and help prevent the digestion of some dietary fat and cholesterol.

MetaboStart is composed of 7-Keto™, Fat Grabbers®, Carbo Grabbers®, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and MetaboMax Plus. These formulas are conveniently packaged for life on the go.

• 7-Keto can help increase the body’s resting metabolic rate. It also stimulates increased production of T3, a thyroid hormone essential to metabolism.

• Fat Grabbers traps some fat molecules and dietary cholesterol, eliminating them through the intestinal system.
• Carbo Grabbers partially blocks the digestion of dietary starches, reducing the amount of carbs that are converted to calories. It also contains chromium to help maintain blood sugar levels already within the normal range.

• CLA helps sustain lean muscle mass and enhance fat burning. It may help support cholesterol levels already in the normal range.

• MetaboMax Plus helps increase thermogenesis and metabolic fat burning.

Take the contents of one AM packet before breakfast, one NOON packet before lunch and one PM packet before dinner. Take all supplements with a large glass of water.

NOTE: See your health care provider prior to use if: Pregnant or nursing, any medical condition exists, or when taking any prescription drug. Discontinue if nervousness, sleeplessness, or nausea occur. Those with hyperthyroidism should consult their health care professional prior to use of 7-Keto™ capsules.
sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 3072-2


• Helps promote fat loss.

• Increases metabolism or thermogenesis.

• Helps to curb appetite.

• Boosts energy levels.

MetaboMax Plus [Weight Loss] is formulated with ingredients that help increase thermogenesis and metabolic fat burn as part of a program that includes healthy diet and exercise.

Key ingredients capsicum and green tea extract help to decrease body fat. Bitter orange fruit, yerba mate and guarana stimulate metabolism with synephrine and natural caffeine (20 mg per capsule). Ginger is added for its metabolic-boosting effect, and chickweed has been an integral component of our Fat Grabbers formula for decades.

Guggulipid herb contains guggulsterones, which help maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range and decrease circulatory fat deposits. Guggulsterones may also help reduce fat stores due to their thyroid-stimulating activity.

This effective blend may help boost calorie expenditure, helps promote fat burning, increases metabolism, boosts energy levels, provides antioxidants (EGCG from green tea), may have beneficial effects on already normal-range cholesterol levels and helps with the uptake of amino acids into muscle (synephrine).

Take 1–2 capsules three times daily with food.

Note: Too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, and occasionally rapid heartbeat. Not recommended for use by children under 18 years of age.

sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 5450-4


• Dairy

• Have a great chocolate taste with no artificial aftertaste.

• Contain fewer calories and carbohydrates than normal chocolate bars.

• Are safe for diabetics, hypoglycemics, children and pregnant women.

• Contains cardio-friendly ingredients like vitamin E, co-enzyme Q10, vitamin B12, flax seeds (source of omega-3 fatty acids) and vitamin C.

Nature’s Sweet Life Dark Chocolate Bar. [Vital Nutrition] Indulge in delicious chocolate without the calories and oral detriment of sugar. Unlike typical candy bars, these chocolate bars provide nutrients that benefit the body.
Our dark chocolate bar is packed with antioxidants and sweetened with all-natural xylitol. Xylitol’s unique molecular structure translates to a very limited effect on blood sugar levels, making it the perfect sweetener for those concerned with blood sugar balance, weight loss or carb counting.

Xylitol provides just 40 percent of the calories that sucrose does. It has a great dark chocolate taste with no artificial aftertaste.

Xylitol is safe for diabetics, hypoglycemics, children and pregnant women.The Cardio bar benefits the circulatory system and is flavored with natural raspberry for a deliciously tempting treat.

It contains dark chocolate, freeze-dried raspberry, omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), pyridoxine acid (vitamin B6), folic acid, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), xylitol, and flax seeds.

Eat as desired. It may take a few days for the body to become accustomed to digesting xylitol. We recommend that you gradually introduce xylitol into the diet over a period of a few weeks.
sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 3220-4


•Promotes natural, healthy elimination.

•Supports normal glandular function.

•Supports the liver and digestive system.

•May help maximize the nutritional benefit from the food you eat.

Dieter’s Cleanse® [Weight Management]. Proper cleansing of the digestive tract allows for better elimination of waste and improved absorption of nutrients from the food you eat.

Dieter’s Cleanse is a safe, simple, convenient cleansing program. Product elements provide dietary fiber, support the production of digestive enzymes and bile, nourish the liver and glandular system, promote detoxification and support the body’s weight-management mechanisms.

Each box of Dieter’s Cleanse contains 14 AM packets, 14 NOON packets and 14 PM packets. The following NSP products are elements of Dieter’s Cleanse:

• Bowel Detox (2 capsules in AM and NOON packets)

• Master Gland Formula (2 capsules in AM and NOON packets)

• Enviro-Detox (1 capsule in AM and NOON packets)
• Liver Cleanse Formula (1 capsule in AM and NOON packets)

• LBS II® (3 capsules in PM packet)

• SF® (2 capsules in PM packet)

• Chromium (1 tablet in PM packet)

Kick off your weight-loss program by using Dieter’s Cleanse for one week. Take 1 AM packet with breakfast. Take 1 NOON packet with lunch. Take 1 PM packet with dinner. Then begin your weight-management program. The second-week supply of Dieter’s Cleanse can be used during recommended rest periods of other NSP weight-loss programs.

This product may also be used by any adult desiring a two-week cleanse. This product could produce bowel movements during the night or in the morning.

NOTE: This product contains cascara sagrada, buckthorn and Turkey rhubarb. See your health care provider prior to use if: pregnant or nursing, any medical condition exists, or when taking any medication. Read and follow recommendation carefully. Not intended for prolonged use. Do not use if diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain are present or develop. Use of this product may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Chronic diarrhea can result in serious illness.
sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 3030-4


•Helps decrease the body's absorption of fat.

•Helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range.

Fat Grabbers® [Weight Loss] is an ideal product for anyone wanting to help reduce the level of fat in his or her diet. No stimulants, no questionable ingredients—just wholesome, nutritional substances that won’t disrupt normal body processes.
Research conducted in our laboratories has verified many other in vitro experiments performed at independent laboratories that lecithin and saponins emulsify fat in aqueous media.

The logical extension of this observation to the small intestines is assumed through scientific precedent. The fat-binding properties of fiber from guar gum and psyllium hulls interfere with the absorption of the emulsified fat from the small intestine. The bound fat molecules are then eliminated.

Using Fat Grabbers in conjunction with a sensible dietary plan will help you create an effective overall weight-management program. Fat Grabbers provides nutrients to help maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range.

The ingredients in Fat Grabbers—guar gum, psyllium hulls, chickweed leaf extract and lecithin—all enjoy a long history of safe use.

NOTE: May cause allergic reaction in persons sensitive to inhaled or ingested psyllium.

Adults: Take 4 capsules with 8 oz. pure water with a meal three times daily. Then follow with another glass of water.
 sponsor # 2639374-5
 YoStock Number: 2485-4


•Helps decrease the body's absorption of fat.

•Helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range.

Fat Grabbers® [Weight Loss] is an ideal product for anyone wanting to help reduce the level of fat in his or her diet. No stimulants, no questionable ingredients—just wholesome, nutritional substances that won’t disrupt normal body processes.

Research conducted in our laboratories has verified many other in vitro experiments performed at independent laboratories that lecithin and saponins emulsify fat in aqueous media.

 The logical extension of this observation to the small intestines is assumed through scientific precedent. The fat-binding properties of fiber from guar gum and psyllium hulls interfere with the absorption of the emulsified fat from the small intestine. The bound fat molecules are then eliminated.

Using Fat Grabbers in conjunction with a sensible dietary plan will help you create an effective overall weight-management program.

Fat Grabbers provides nutrients to help maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range. The ingredients in Fat Grabbers—guar gum, psyllium hulls, chickweed leaf extract and lecithin—all enjoy a long history of safe use.

NOTE: May cause allergic reaction in persons sensitive to inhaled or ingested psyllium.

Adults: Take 4 capsules with 8 oz. pure water with a meal three times daily. Then follow with another glass of water.
sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 3070-7


• Helps reduce the conversion of some starches to calories.

• May help reduce available calories.

• Minimizes the need to entirely avoid certain favored foods.

• Helps the body’s efforts to maintain blood sugar levels already within the normal range.

Carbo Grabbers® with Chromium [Weight Loss] contains an amylase inhibitor derived from northern white kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), which naturally and safely interferes with the digestion of starchy carbohydrates.

This interference means undigested starches can be carried through the intestinal tract where the body can eliminate them, helping to reduce the calories available to your body. This makes avoiding carbohydrates—a common practice among some dieters—a thing of the past!

Now we’ve added 18 mcg of patented, food-bound chromium per serving. The trace mineral chromium helps transport glucose from the blood into the cells.

The liver also uses chromium to manufacture important nutrients. Chromium may have a positive effect on blood fat levels. With the addition of chromium, Carbo Grabbers provides help in maintaining blood sugar levels already within the normal range.

Take 1–2 capsules up to three times daily before eating foods high in carbohydrates. Do not take in combination with digestive enzymes that contain proteases.

sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 3078-0


• Promotes lean muscle mass and fat-burning.

• Provides 25 grams of lactose-free whey protein per serving.

• Helps boost energy levels.

• Provides 60 percent or more of the Daily Value of 14 essential vitamins and minerals.

• Goes down easily with great-tasting chocolate and vanilla flavors.

Nutri-Burn® [Weight Loss]. Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue. Increasing lean muscle mass leads to increases in the resting metabolic rate, or the rate that your body burns fuel for energy.

Nutri-Burn protein drink mix supplies pure lactose-free whey and calcium caseinate protein for a powerful, muscle-building, meal replacement supplement.

Key ingredients in Nutri-Burn include a protein matrix, CLA, fructo-oligosaccharides, l-carnitine, proteolytic plant enzyme blend and green tea extract. It also provides essential vitamins and minerals to support metabolism.

Nutri-Burn contains an optimal blend of protein from whey and calcium caseinate. Whey protein provides essential amino acids and has the highest biological value of any protein supplement.

 It releases quickly into the body and is best for fast, efficient muscle building and repair. Ideally, you should consume whey protein within 45 minutes of exercise. Calcium caseinate protein offers a sustained release of amino acids and may help curb appetite for a longer period of time.

Nutri-Burn’s patented whey protein matrix undergoes extreme filtration to remove all impurities. The result is premium-quality, lactose-free whey protein that is ready to be utilized for muscle repair and energy.

Additionally, Nutri-Burn contains plant enzymes that help break down protein molecules into smaller, better-absorbed amino acids. Nutri-Burn also contains one gram of prebiotic fiber (scFOS) per serving to help support gut health.

Mix 2 rounded scoops of Nutri-Burn powder with 12–16 oz. cold water or mix to taste. For best results, use the NSP Power Shaker.
sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 1067-5


SF® [Weight Loss] is designed to help with weight loss as it supports the body’s intestinal, urinary and digestive systems.

SF contains:

Cascara sagrada bark
Hawthorn berries

Papaya fruit

Licorice root

Safflower flowers

Black walnut hulls

Chickweed leaf extract

Fennel seeds

Parthenium root

Gotu kola aerial parts

Dandelion root

NOTE: This product contains cascara sagrada. See your health care provider prior to use if: pregnant or nursing, any medical condition exists, or when taking any medication.

Read and follow recommendation carefully. Do not use if diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain are present or develop. Not intended for prolonged use. Use of this product may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Chronic diarrhea can result in serious illness.

Take 2 capsules 30 minutes before meals three times daily.

sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 926-0

Cellu-Smooth® with Coleus [Weight Loss, Circulatory] provides nutrients that may support circulation; help mobilize fat for better distribution; and protect against free radical damage to structural skin proteins.

One ingredient, Coleus forskohlii root extract, may cause a shift from a more fatty body mass to a more lean body mass, which may benefit overall health.

Cellu-Smooth also includes:

bladderwrack - which contains minerals essential for thyroid function, thereby supporting metabolism.

milk thistle - which acts as an antioxidant, supporting the liver cells’ detoxifying function.

ginkgo - a known free radical scavenger.

rhodiola root extract - which may improve strength and stamina.

rhododendron root - an antioxidant that may promote microcirculation.

Adults: Take 1 capsule with a meal two or three times daily. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, or children

sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 8722-4

Appetite Control [Weight Management] is a natural homeopathic medicine that assists in the control of appetite as an aid to weight loss.

Take 10–15 drops under the tongue 30 minutes prior to meals. This medicine is not recommended for children under 12.
sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 3070-7


• Helps reduce the conversion of some starches to calories.

• May help reduce available calories.

• Minimizes the need to entirely avoid certain favored foods.

• Helps the body’s efforts to maintain blood sugar levels already within the normal range.

Carbo Grabbers® with Chromium [Weight Loss] contains an amylase inhibitor derived from northern white kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), which naturally and safely interferes with the digestion of starchy carbohydrates.

This interference means undigested starches can be carried through the intestinal tract where the body can eliminate them, helping to reduce the calories available to your body. This makes avoiding carbohydrates—a common practice among some dieters—a thing of the past!

Now we’ve added 18 mcg of patented, food-bound chromium per serving. The trace mineral chromium helps transport glucose from the blood into the cells.

The liver also uses chromium to manufacture important nutrients. Chromium may have a positive effect on blood fat levels. With the addition of chromium, Carbo Grabbers provides help in maintaining blood sugar levels already within the normal range.

Take 1–2 capsules up to three times daily before eating foods high in carbohydrates. Do not take in combination with digestive enzymes that contain proteases.

sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 3074-6


• Helps promote fat loss.

• Increases metabolism.

• Helps to curb appetite.

• Boosts energy levels.

MetaboMax Free [Weight Loss]. This formula was developed in tandem with MetaboMax Plus for those who desire a weight-management boost without caffeine. Its ingredients help increase thermogenesis and metabolic fat burn as part of a program that includes healthy diet and exercise.

Capsicum and green tea extract help to decrease body fat. Bitter orange fruit stimulates metabolism with synephrine.

Ginger is added for its metabolic-boosting effect, and chickweed has been an integral component of our Fat Grabbers formula for decades.

Guggul lipid herb contains guggulsterones, which help maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range and decrease circulatory fat deposits. Guggulsterones may also help reduce fat stores due to their thyroid-stimulating activity.

This effective blend may help boost calorie expenditure, helps promote fat burning, increases metabolism, boosts energy levels, provides beneficial antioxidants (EGCG from green tea), may have beneficial effects on already normal-range cholesterol levels and helps with the uptake of amino acids into muscle (synephrine).

Take 1–2 capsules three times daily with food.

sponsor # 2639374-5
Stock Number: 3080-0


• Promotes lean muscle mass and fat-burning.

• Provides 25 grams of lactose-free whey protein per serving.

• Helps boost energy levels.

• Provides 60 percent or more of the Daily Value of 14 essential vitamins and minerals.

• Goes down easily with great-tasting chocolate and vanilla flavors.

Nutri-Burn® [Weight Loss]. Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue. Increasing lean muscle mass leads to increases in the resting metabolic rate, or the rate that your body burns fuel for energy.

Nutri-Burn protein drink mix supplies pure lactose-free whey and calcium caseinate protein for a powerful, muscle-building, meal replacement supplement.

Key ingredients in Nutri-Burn include a protein matrix, CLA, fructo-oligosaccharides, l-carnitine, proteolytic plant enzyme blend and green tea extract. It also provides essential vitamins and minerals to support metabolism.

Nutri-Burn contains an optimal blend of protein from whey and calcium caseinate. Whey protein provides essential amino acids and has the highest biological value of any protein supplement.

It releases quickly into the body and is best for fast, efficient muscle building and repair. Ideally, you should consume whey protein within 45 minutes of exercise. Calcium caseinate protein offers a sustained release of amino acids and may help curb appetite for a longer period of time.

Nutri-Burn’s patented whey protein matrix undergoes extreme filtration to remove all impurities. The result is premium-quality, lactose-free whey protein that is ready to be utilized for muscle repair and energy.

Additionally, Nutri-Burn contains plant enzymes that help break down protein molecules into smaller, better-absorbed amino acids. Nutri-Burn also contains one gram of prebiotic fiber (scFOS) per serving to help support gut health.

Mix 2 rounded scoops of Nutri-Burn powder with 12–16 oz. cold water or mix to taste. For best results, use the NSP Power Shaker.
sponsor # 2639374-5

Publisher ID: pub-9455079971242864
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